So yes. I passed my class 3 using the CAR ABOVE on last FRIDAY 28th August 2009.
Passed with 16 points. minor mistakes.Yadayada.
Tester was strict to begin with. So i must say I'm lucky to pass.
Haha. I've started driving AYAH's Toyota Picnic.. So far so good.
It feels different to start with.
Its definitely bigger than the Toyota Vios.
The seating position is definitely higher.
The car is definitely longer.
SO, its like starting to drive a bigger car. It feels like a Super 4 to me.
Driving with my parents around its definitely pressurizing.
always kene marah by ayah cuz i swing the car like motorbike at give way junctions.. That some phrase "this is a car not a bike boy." Which is fairly reasonable.
Haha. Oh well.
Mama loves pressuring me when I'm driving.
mama: "depan sikit boleh lepas la! boleh lepas"
me: "tak boleh la ma. "
Ayah: "biarkan la dia ma. dia kata tak boleh lepas tu tak boleh la"
My parking needs more practise.. and yes. I'm tired.
Ps: Miss Nurhaslinda Binte Ab. Rahim.. Ily. Imy. and i hope to be driving u soon rather than riding u. I miss the Lost @ Penjuru Road. I miss the Hujan Lebat moment on your birthday.THats really memorable. PLease call me soon.
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